Environmental planning
Projects such as onshore and offshore wind farms, line projects such as cable routes, pipelines and other infrastructures, port planning and fairway deepening, the extraction of raw materials in marine area or coastal protection measures, as well as solar parks and corresponding connection lines on land, are often linked to extensive approval or planning approval procedures. IfAÖ offers the necessary environmental planning services for these procedures. In close cooperation with the developer and the responsible authorities, the IfAÖ accompanies the approval procedure from the first planning steps to the scoping process. We prepare environmental documents and the subsequent discussion or answering of environmental questions. The Institute's experts prepare all environmental documents and special reports relevant to the approval process. Throughout the process of a regional planning or planning approval procedure, which often takes several years, an environmentally sound consulting service is offered.
Key services

Preparation of environmental documents
- feasibility study
- Preparation of all environmental documents relevant to the procedure such as:
- case-by-case assessment
- Document for start-up consultation
- alternatives assessment
- Report on the probable environmental effects of the project (UVP report)
- Landscape conservation plan (LBP)
- FFH compatibility preliminary investigation (FFH-VVU)
- FFH-Verträglichkeitsuntersuchung (FFH-VU)
- FFH compatibility study (FFH-VU)
- Species protection expert report (AFB)
- Biotope protection law assessment (BRP)
- Technical contribution to the EU Water Framework Directive (WRRL), Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSRL)
- green space plan
- Environmental expert opinion on current issues of biotope, species or site protection as well as on project-specific changes
- amendments
Procedural support and approval management
- Support in regional planning or planning approval procedures
- Management of objections and responses in large-scale industrial projects or regional planning procedures
- Advice on other environmental issues
- Review of the permit with regard to the implementation of ancillary provisions
Preparation of special expert reports
- other studies and contributions to environmental protection and nature conservation
- contributions to spatial planning
- Checking for timeliness and plausibility of already prepared environmental documents
Michelle Wenzel
T +49381252312-09
E m.wenzel(at]ifaoe.de