Environmental construction supervision

For more and more construction projects, environmental construction supervision or ecological or nature conservation construction supervision is demanded as part of the approval conditions. In addition to the control and documentation of the compliance with environmental measures, the environmental construction supervision advises the companies involved in the construction on environmental issues and thus contributes to a smooth construction process. Furthermore, it acts as an interface between the responsible authorities and the construction process.

We offer our services as environmental construction supervisors on land sites (onshore), in coastal areas (nearshore) as well as in the open sea (offshore). We would be pleased to accompany your construction project with our experienced and certified team.

Key services

  • (Photo) documentation of the construction process with regard to proper and timely implementation of preventive and protective measures
  • Preparation of reports (weekly, monthly, final reports)
  • Sensitization and information of all parties involved for topics important to nature conservation
  • Consultation on species and environmental issues
  • Assistance in obtaining permits and in the preparation of implementation plans
  • Assistance in the implementation of compensation and replacement measures and their success control
  • Assistance and or implementation of avoidance and protection measures
  • Vessel inspection


Paula Fiedler

T +49 40 4321390-34
E p.fiedler(at)ifaoe.de